Thursday, June 25, 2009


I find it so interesting that being with people, or without them, can have such an impact on your outlook and demeanor.

With people:
Today, I met someone who I had never met before and had a wonderful and enlightening conversation about networking, client searching, revenue streams, passion, and small businesses. It was such a great meeting, not because either of us made any money or got work - but because we connected. I went to this meeting without an agenda or any expectations, and found myself wonderfully fulfilled because of that ability to connect.

Immediately following that meeting, I had another - this time with a group of complete strangers, but the experience was exactly the same. I sought out and made several personal connections which may or may not ever result in any business or money, but successful nonetheless.

With each new connection, I learned something - gave something - took something that will make me a better person/leader/business person.

I feel great when I am with people. Great confidence, great energy, great attitude.

Without people:
Each day, at least a hundred times, I look up to share something with someone. Each day, I look to an empty desk. I vastly underestimated how valueable it was/is to be able to connect with someone on a daily basis at work. Now that I am an office of one, I experience a sense of loss everytime I look up, only to find no one.

I feel diminished with I am not with people. Diminished confidence, diminished energy, diminished attitude.

Here is the motivator - Do well. Find clients. Make, and take, every opportunity to connect with people.

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