Friday, October 30, 2009

Wake Up Your Luck

This morning, I heard an old Persian Proverb, "Go and wake up your luck". For some reason, this really stuck with me and I have found myself thinking about it at various times today and how it might apply to me, and my business.

I am a fairly motivated person, and spend little time waiting for things to happen. I'd like to think that I am pretty action-oriented. But the proverb doesn't talk about finding "action", it's about finding luck.

Last night my husband and I went out to dinner with some good friends. At the bistro, it was BINGO night, so of course, we played. Wouldn't you know that we had no luck? Not one BINGO was called at our table, despite our concerted efforts to wake up that luck.

This afternoon, I met with a potential client. They are a small company who has experienced the sting of downsizing, financial hardships, and overall lack of business. Throughout our conversation, I realized that, despite thier "bad luck", they remain extremely optimistic, and actually want to invest in the people processes that will help them rebound quickly when the economic opportunity arises. A perfect example of a group of dedicated individuals "waking up thier luck."

I am standing at Luck's door, ready to help the sleeping giant awake. I know that my ability to remain optimistic, seek out and sieze opportunities, and ready myself for the ensuing upswing will result in success.

Best of luck to you.

Ericka Heid

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