Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Today, I was involved in a discussion with other business owners about following our bliss. Our path to bliss was described as a highway - a fairly straight path with little resistance - that will end in a place of complete happiness, passion, paradise, haven, calmness, etc. Along this highway, though, there are off-ramps, backroads, detours, rest-stops, and the like which distract us from actually getting to bliss.

How often have we taken those off-ramps, thinking that they would end up in bliss - only to find they were a dead end? Perhaps too often. Now, rather than think that each off-ramp is a bad and bliss-less place, I'd like to think of it as an opportunity to learn something. It is a way for us to decide that that place is not bliss at all and, in fact, this place helps us better understand where bliss is or define how to get there more efficiently.

All we have to do now is get back on the highway. Thank goodness for on-ramps.

Today, I will study my map for the location of bliss - but I will be open to what those off-ramps might have in store for me.

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