Sunday, April 11, 2010

Management's Role in Employee Motivation

82% of departing employees will say that the reason they started looking for another job was due to the relationship with their manager. Managers, given this statistic, can we all agree that you have a special role in retaining your employees?

It is true that managers can not "create" motivation within an employee, but what they can do is create an environment that is motivating to their employees.

Want another scary statistic? Almost 90% of employees, when surveyed, say that communication breakdown within their organization is a problem at work - and creates an unmotivating and dis-engaging phenomena at the office.

Be proactive - try a few, easy tips for creating a motivating work environment by increasing your communication strategy:

1. Give effective praise that portrays sincerity
2. Deliver criticism without creating confrontation and conflict
3. Conduct or participate in effective performance review discussions
4. Conducte or participate in an effective interview for a new job or promotion
5. Make an apology that touches the heart and convinces the mind
6. Ask effective questions to probe for facts and provoke for ideas
7. Discuss conflict without offending
8. Communicate to build rapport and create trust
9. Communicate to create collaboration and engage your staff
10. Communicate to resolve conflict and reach agreement

Ericka Heid
HR Now


  1. You hit the nail on the head with this post, Ericka. Thanks,
    - Vik

  2. Hi Ericka, Well stated. The best point for me is your statement, "managers can create an environment that is motivating to their employees."

    Like it!!

    Bob Nicoll
    Remember the Ice
    Eagle River, Alaska
