Tuesday, July 21, 2009

On Demand

We live in a world of immediate gratification. We want what we want, when we want it. Nothing more, nothing less.

If we need a hamburger, it is easy to find a drive through where we can have our burger - just the way we like it - at any time of the day or night. If we also require an order of onion rings or a chocolate-banana shake, we can quickly add those items onto our order. When our car breaks down, we bring it to our local auto repair expert and expect repair only on what is broken. We don't want our tie-rods replaced when the shocks are bad. We expect to have the ability to ask for and receive precisely what we have asked for or need.

Why then, do we give up this ability when we become business people? We tend to let others tell us what we want or need and accept what is offered without voicing our desires, requirements, or needs. Maybe we don't know exactly what we need, or have trouble articulating all of the details around it. Maybe we don't have time to pay attention. Maybe we don't have the expertise and prefer to rely on others. Maybe its all of those things. While these may be perfectly good excuses, the result can be too much or too little service.

The next time you find yourself wanting or needing something from your business partners, I challenge you to spend some time thinking about what you may need. And ask for more. Or less. Ask them to offer suggestions, ask questions about the value of their product or service, and then tailor a request that matches exactly what you need.

Ericka Heid
HR Now

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