Thursday, January 21, 2010

Don't Worry - Be Happy

Is your work fulfilling?

Is your boss supportive?

Are your efforts recognized?

If you answer "no" to any of these questions, you may not be a very happy employee. Or worse, your happiness may be compromised outside of work due to those eight-plus hours spent each day in a less-than-desirable work situation.

You may need to take your happiness into your own hands, in order to feel the bliss and joy you deserve. Empower yourself by resolving to take a few steps in the new year:

  • Set one or two work-related goals that are achievable and meaningful to you. Communicate them to those around you. Post them in your workspace. As you meet each goal, be sure to celebrate in small, yet fun ways.
  • Dwell on the parts of your job that feed your soul. Focus on tasks that you do well and the people who bring out the best in you.
  • Laugh. Have you heard the saying, "either laugh or cry"? Choose to laugh. Find ways to create humor in your day. Reading the comics over lunch or buy a silly calendar. Have lunch with your "fun" co-workers. The act of laughing itself releases endorphins known to improve mood.
  • Ask your supervisor for feedback instead of expecting it. Ask specific questions - "What what the best part of my role in the XYZ project?" Or, "What value am I bringing to this department on a regular basis?"
  • Develop yourself. Learn a new skill, take a continuing education course, or volunteer to be on a committee. Giving of oneself is a great way to feel that "warm and fuzzy" feeling.

"Some pursue happiness, others create it." ~Author Unknown

Ericka Heid
HR Now

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